Wednesday, February 25, 2009


OK, so last night was a bust for sleep! Trey had fun keeping me up until after 2:30. Guess who woke up as happy as a clam at 8:30?? How do they do it? I think that my coffee pot will be getting used today! If I were cutting 4 new teeth, my sleep might be a little erratic as well! Good thing I love my kids more than sleep.
The sad part is soon they will be grown up. Then, I can sleep all I want! Instead I think I will probably miss these days of sticky hugs and messy kisses and the little kid disasters that so try my mettle now!


  1. I love your cute and all different backgrounds.
    Keep them coming :-)

  2. Welcome to the blog world!! I can totally idenify with the lack of sleep. But I don't do coffee to keep me going and it's not a teething baby keeping me up (yet!! :)
